Design of Religious Tourism Information System in Batam City Based on Android Smartphone


  • John Friadi Universitas Batam


tourist, religion, batam, smartphone, android


Batam City is one of the tourist destinations that have potential such as maritime tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, shopping tourism, agro-tourism, sports tourism, history, and religious tourism. However, there are still much general public or foreign tourists having difficulty in getting information. There are many good potentials for religious tourism to visit, so it is necessary to design a religious tourism information system for the city of Batam based on an android smartphone. With this application, the existence of religious tourist attractions in Batam City quickly, precisely, and accurately. This study uses the waterfall research method which has stages such as system analysis, system design consisting of use case diagram design, database relation design, and interface design. The Batam city religious tourism information system that was developed is expected to optimize tourist visits to the city of Batam and benefit the development of tourism in the city of Batam. This information system makes it easier for tourists to visit religious tourist places and easily go to tourist attractions because it is supported by the tourist attraction route feature.


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How to Cite

Friadi, J. (2021). Design of Religious Tourism Information System in Batam City Based on Android Smartphone. International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies, 1(1), 17–22. Retrieved from


