Web-Based Extracurricular Management Information System at Smk Pertiwi


  • Fendi Hidayat Universitas Batam
  • Riska Ayu Sundari


Extracurricular, MIS, Waterfall, Use Case, UML


SMK Pertiwi Batam has a desire to improve and develop students' extracurricular activities in order to increase their students' achievements. Extracurricular activities are activities that support the educational process carried out by students outside of teaching and learning time, these activities are carried out in order to develop students' interests, talents, hobbies and potential. So far, the extracurricular management process at SMK Pertiwi Batam has been carried out conventionally so it is difficult to track it, so it is necessary to create an extracurricular management information system so that data on extracurricular activities and participants can be well integrated. Previous research has shown that with an online extracurricular information system, the registration process and access to extracurricular data can run easily anywhere and anytime and the resulting data is more accurate, appropriate and up to date. The implementation of this research uses qualitative methods by conducting observations, literature studies and for system development using the waterfall method. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the proposed information system can facilitate students in the registration process and administrators and teachers can easily manage extracurricular activities


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How to Cite

Hidayat, F., & Riska Ayu Sundari. (2021). Web-Based Extracurricular Management Information System at Smk Pertiwi. International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies, 1(1), 10–16. Retrieved from http://journal.aptikomkepri.org/index.php/IJAVT/article/view/4


