Design of Security System with Face Recognition Using Arduino and OpenCv


  • Dwi Ely Kurniawan Politeknik Negeri Batam
  • aldo albelto Politeknik Negeri Batam


Security System , Face Recognition , Arduino , OpenCv , IOT


Security system is the most developed technology today, various technologies such as from CCTV cameras, access door, encrypt password to use biometric technology. Biometric technology is a self-recognition technology using body parts and human behavior that has a certain uniqueness. One example of application of Biometric technology is face recognition or face recognition system. Security mengunkanan Biometric technology is very difficult to be broken in because every human has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Security system design using face recognition is using webcam camera, Laptop, Arduino device and OpenCv library. The webcam camera will be attached to the laptop, then the webcam receives an image input and proceeds to use the OpenCv library then the signal is sent to the Arduino device, if access is received the blue LED will light up if not the red LED will light up. How users can access a data using face recognition security system. The sample test takes the time delay required to receive the response from the camera, how much data is suitable but does not receive the appropriate response, the effect of distance to the camera, and the effect of the angle of the face. Testing the sample only until the LED lights menyalanya accordance with the access provided.


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How to Cite

Kurniawan, D. E. ., & albelto, aldo. (2021). Design of Security System with Face Recognition Using Arduino and OpenCv. International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies, 1(1), 1–9. Retrieved from


