Emphasis on Capabilities Level Auditing Project Planning Tool
Audit, Capability Level, Gap Analysis, Established Process, project planning toolsAbstract
There are several problems in project planning such as data loading time, display loading time, data duplication, project status on the system. Therefore, it is necessary to audit corporate information technology governance. The audit is carried out by measuring the level of capability and looking for problems that occur in business processes. Increasing the level of system capability is integrated between company management and stakeholder needs and maintains data integrity. The method used in this research is the COBIT 5 framework. The research emphasizes Domain Deliver, Service, and Support (DSS) with the process subdomains DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06. The domain was chosen because it was in accordance with the conditions of IT governance and project planning tools. The average result of the capability level on the project planning tools is 2,965 which is at level three (Established Process). This means that processes are documented and communicated for organizational efficiency.
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