International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies <p>The International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies (IJAVT) is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exchange of high-quality research results in all fields of technology.</p> <p>As our commitment to advances in science and technology, IJAVT follows an open access policy that allows published articles to be available for free online without the need for any subscription.</p> Aptikom Kepri en-US International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies Design of Security System with Face Recognition Using Arduino and OpenCv <table width="593"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="387"> <p>Security system is the most developed technology today, various technologies such as from CCTV cameras, access door, encrypt password to use biometric technology. Biometric technology is a self-recognition technology using body parts and human behavior that has a certain uniqueness. One example of application of Biometric technology is face recognition or face recognition system. Security mengunkanan Biometric technology is very difficult to be broken in because every human has its own characteristics and uniqueness. Security system design using face recognition is using webcam camera, Laptop, Arduino device and OpenCv library. The webcam camera will be attached to the laptop, then the webcam receives an image input and proceeds to use the OpenCv library then the signal is sent to the Arduino device, if access is received the blue LED will light up if not the red LED will light up. How users can access a data using face recognition security system. The sample test takes the time delay required to receive the response from the camera, how much data is suitable but does not receive the appropriate response, the effect of distance to the camera, and the effect of the angle of the face. Testing the sample only until the LED lights menyalanya accordance with the access provided.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Dwi Ely Kurniawan aldo albelto Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 1 1 1 9 Web-Based Extracurricular Management Information System at Smk Pertiwi <p>SMK Pertiwi Batam has a desire to improve and develop students' extracurricular activities in order to increase their students' achievements. Extracurricular activities are activities that support the educational process carried out by students outside of teaching and learning time, these activities are carried out in order to develop students' interests, talents, hobbies and potential. So far, the extracurricular management process at SMK Pertiwi Batam has been carried out conventionally so it is difficult to track it, so it is necessary to create an extracurricular management information system so that data on extracurricular activities and participants can be well integrated. Previous research has shown that with an online extracurricular information system, the registration process and access to extracurricular data can run easily anywhere and anytime and the resulting data is more accurate, appropriate and up to date. The implementation of this research uses qualitative methods by conducting observations, literature studies and for system development using the waterfall method. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the proposed information system can facilitate students in the registration process and administrators and teachers can easily manage extracurricular activities</p> Fendi Hidayat Riska Ayu Sundari Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 1 1 10 16 Design of Religious Tourism Information System in Batam City Based on Android Smartphone <p>Batam City is one of the tourist destinations that have potential such as maritime tourism, culinary tourism, nature tourism, shopping tourism, agro-tourism, sports tourism, history, and religious tourism. However, there are still much general public or foreign tourists having difficulty in getting information. There are many good potentials for religious tourism to visit, so it is necessary to design a religious tourism information system for the city of Batam based on an android smartphone. With this application, the existence of religious tourist attractions in Batam City quickly, precisely, and accurately. This study uses the waterfall research method which has stages such as system analysis, system design consisting of use case diagram design, database relation design, and interface design. The Batam city religious tourism information system that was developed is expected to optimize tourist visits to the city of Batam and benefit the development of tourism in the city of Batam. This information system makes it easier for tourists to visit religious tourist places and easily go to tourist attractions because it is supported by the tourist attraction route feature.</p> John Friadi Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 1 1 17 22 Emphasis on Capabilities Level Auditing Project Planning Tool <p>There are several problems in project planning such as data loading time, display loading time, data duplication, project status on the system. Therefore, it is necessary to audit corporate information technology governance. The audit is carried out by measuring the level of capability and looking for problems that occur in business processes. Increasing the level of system capability is integrated between company management and stakeholder needs and maintains data integrity. The method used in this research is the COBIT 5 framework. The research emphasizes Domain Deliver, Service, and Support (DSS) with the process subdomains DSS01, DSS02, DSS03, DSS04, DSS05, and DSS06. The domain was chosen because it was in accordance with the conditions of IT governance and project planning tools. The average result of the capability level on the project planning tools is 2,965 which is at level three (Established Process). This means that processes are documented and communicated for organizational efficiency.</p> Sasa Ani Arnomo Januardi Nasir Heri Nuryanto Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 1 1 23 28 Work Instruction Monitoring at Company of Flextronics Technology Indonesia <p>Work Instruction (WI) was a reference for the work process according to the instructions listed. WI contains the work process, the tools employed, the materials used, and anything that requires attention related to safety. WI was created by product data management with engineer and quality engineer. WI can be changed because of the actual process, the process was changed or improved alert quality. Company of Flextronics Technology Indonesia at present uses e-WI, but its digital system is limited to only displaying pdf files. WI is unintegrated if changes occur. For this reason, a work instruction monitoring application was created to make WI more efficient</p> Wina Safitri Lamadike Afdhol Dzikri Copyright (c) 2021 International Journal of Advanced Visualization Technologies 2021-10-18 2021-10-18 1 1 29 37